Which movies should I watch? Collaborative Filtering with Nearest Neighbors
I finally got around into coding this thing. Turned out it's really quite simple. Thanks to the awesome blogposts I follow! Tho I'd have to code some of the other functions myself. But the principle is the same. The Concept: Nearest Neighborhood The standard method of Collaborative Filtering (CF) is known as Nearest Neighborhood algorithm . There are user-based CF and item-based CF . Let’s first look at User-based CF . User-based CF is a technique used to predict the items that a user might like on the basis of ratings given to that item by other users who have similar taste with that of the target user. Basically, the idea is to find the most similar users to your target user (nearest neighbors) and weight their ratings of an item as the prediction of the rating of this item for target user. Item-based CV is an algorithm where the similarities between different items in the dataset are calculated by using one of a number of similarity measures, and...